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British Army R (1939) WD WW2 Uniform Wooden Rubber Ink Stamp

£9.99 £8.32

British R WD Uniform Rubber Ink Stamp

This is the inspection code stamp that would have been on all British uniforms once it had arrived at one of the 100's of War Department depots from the factories where they were made. The British used a series of codes for the date like this one R for 1939 and the lower 3 numbers are the inspectors/depot number


War Office Arrow 


This 1939 Rubber stamp can be used on all your British clothing to make it look correct for the period you are Re-enacting including Battle Dress, Berets and all other uniform items.

Size of ink area: 40 x 40mm

British R WD Uniform Rubber Ink Stamp

This is the inspection code stamp that would have been on all British uniforms once it had arrived at one of the 100's of War Department depots from the factories where they were made. The British used a series of codes for the date like this one R for 1939 and the lower 3 numbers are the inspectors/depot number


War Office Arrow 


This 1939 Rubber stamp can be used on all your British clothing to make it look correct for the period you are Re-enacting including Battle Dress, Berets and all other uniform items.

Size of ink area: 40 x 40mm

Weight (g) 90.00
Restricted Product? No
Affiliation British
Service Army
Material Wood